G11 - Goodwin textbook Chapter 11 Exam: *You are responsible for all information covered in this chapter, except "Small N Research in Psychophysics" (p. 381-382) Pop Quiz Hints: *Puzzle Boxes *Individual-subject validity *Operant Conditioning *Rate of Response *Cumulative Recorder *Applied Behavior Analysis *Single-subject Design *Baseline *A-B Design *Withdrawal Design *A-B-A Design *A-B-A-B Design (or other variations, such as A-B-A-B-A-B-A-B) *Multiple Baseline Design *Why might someone incorrectly conclude that a Multiple Baseline Design means an A-B-A-B-A-B Design? *What are the three variations of the Multiple Baseline Design? *Changing Criterion Design (also known as Shaping) *A-B-C-B Design (or other variations, such as A-B-C-D-A-C-D) *A-A1-B-A-A1 Design *A-B-C-BC Design *Alternating Treatment Design *What are some advantages and disadvantages of single-subject designs? *Do single-subject designs always involve a single person? *Case Study *What are some advantages and disadvantages of case studies?